Point is. I felt like it was an answer to my prayer. Yeah, I'm now starting to realize this whole mission thing might get a bit difficult at times...but I'm never alone. I have my Heavenly Father and my Daddy Scott :) I'm blessed to have twice the fatherly love with me all the time. Freak. I definitely miss dad--but my favorite thing to teach my investigators here is about the plan of salvation. It's cool to have a firm belief that families are forever and that I don't have to worry too much about not seeing mi padre en the next life.
Mom, remember how I would always ask you "how do I know the difference between my own thoughts and the Holy Ghost?" Well on Sunday, we watched an old devotional of a talk Elder Bednar gave here at the MTC who knows how long ago...but he starts off his talk by saying "How do you tell the difference between the Holy Ghost and yourself?" (Yeah, I knew this was going to be a good one. Talkin' straight to this girl.) He went on and talked a bit about how a lot of us worry and wonder about that question and finally says....
"So you want to know the difference.....QUIT WORRYING ABOUT IT! Press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, get busy with his work and he will guide you. As you open your mouth, it will be filled. Don't wait for an overwhelming feeling from the spirit, it may not happen. Continue to always keep your covenants, be a good girl and you will be guided and have peace. Always be at the right place, at the right time and the spirit will take care of the rest." When we are struggling to make important decisions in our lives, use our best judgements when it comes to feeling the spirit. Sometimes making the right decision is more difficult than making the wrong...but do it anyway. You will be blessed.
He finishes with this quote...
"If you are good, then every good thought that comes into your mind is of the Holy Ghost."
I love that. D&C 80 applies to EVERYONE.
Quote of the week (Elder Bloxham brings the humor this time). In TRC, he was telling about his family; their names, ages, etc. When you tell how old you are or how old someone is you say "Yo Tengo 22 años" (I have 22 years) or "Mi Hermana tiene 15 años" (my sister has 15 years).....Well, Elder Bloxham was saying "Mi Hermana tiene 15 anos, mi hermano tiene 12 anos...." If you don't have the accent on the n, anos means anal.
So his sister has 15 anals, his brother has 12 anals....etc....hahahahah. We were dying.
I miss music, rock climbing and running. Oh my gosh I miss music.
(Sad, but true. Metallica. I don't miss Metallica.)
(Sad, but true. Metallica. I don't miss Metallica.)
Elder Sheffield and Elder Bloxham are by far my best friends here. Of course, Hermana Smith is great, but those two boys really know how to get to this girl. They are both going to the Santiago East mission and it's gonna kill me to say goodbye to them. I have the best district. I wrote my Branch President a letter saying that if they ever needed an emergency transfer, I work way better with Elders than Sisters. He replied saying "I'll see what I can do...Just know that will require quite the haircut." Haha! He's a great man.
Elder "Grumpy Face", Elder Bloxum, Hermana Little P, & Elder Sheffield |
Ah geez. Other than that, this week was great. Definitely up's and down's with my emotions. But for the most part good. It's cool to see the difference in teaching when we go in with the spirit or if we're focused on how good we are at Spanish. It amazes me how much Spanish I know. I'm excited to call you in two weeks and talk to you in Espanol. But if I go into a lesson, remembering that if it weren't for the spirit, there is no way I'd know Spanish. Lessons always go better when you're humble. The gift of tongues is REAL. I was talking to a teacher the other day and he thought I was in the 9-week Spanish zone, leaving on Monday. He died when I told him I hadn't even been here for 3 weeks. It was comforting....but there are those moments when I think about getting to Chile and literally not knowing ANYTHING anyone is saying. It'll be loco crazy.
I love you all. I love being a missionary. It's pretty cool. Two weeks from Monday and I'll be off to CHILE!! Wahooo!
Te Amo!!
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